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    一、       巨大芽孢杆菌系统                                        

           Bacillus megaterium: available to academic and commercial customer; commercial customers require a license from MoBiTec


                         货号       产品描述       规格       报价       储存       运输

                         BMEG03       Bacillus megaterium vector pWH1520, lyophilized DNA       5 μg       4,900.00     4 RT

                         BMEG10       Bacillus megaterium vector, pMM1522, lyophilized DNA     10 μg       4,900.00     4 RT

                         BMEG11       Bacillus megaterium vector, pMM1525, lyophilized DNA     10 μg       4,900.00     4 RT

                         BMEG12       Bacillus megaterium vector, pHIS1522, lyophilized DNA      10 μg       4,900.00     4 RT

                         BMEG13       Bacillus megaterium vector, pHIS1525, lyophilized DNA      10 μg       4,900.00     4 RT

                         BMEG13C     Levansucrase expression positive control, HIS-Tag  10 μg   1,080.00       4 RT

                         BMEG14       Bacillus megaterium vector, pSTREP1525       10 μg   5,640.00     4   RT

                         BMEG14C     Levansucrase expression positive control, STREP-Tag    10 μg       1,080.00     4 RT

                         BMEG15       Bacillus megaterium vector pSTREPHIS1525  10 μg   5,640.00     4   RT

                         BMEG15C     Levansucrase expression positive control, STREPHIS-Tag     10 μg       1,080.00     4 RT

                         BMEG20       Bacillus megaterium vector pC-His1622   10 μg   6,840.00     4       RT

                         BMEG21       Bacillus megaterium vector pC-Strep1622 10 μg   8,420.00     4       RT

                         BMEG22       Bacillus megaterium vector pN-His-TEV1622  10 μg   6,840.00     4   RT

                         BMEG23       Bacillus megaterium vector pN-Strep-TEV1622      10 μg   8,420.00       4 RT

                         BMEG24       Bacillus megaterium vector pN-StrepXa1622   10 μg   8,420.00     4   RT

                         BMEG25       Bacillus megaterium vector, pSTOP1622, lyophilized DNA.  10 μg       6,840.00     4 RT

                         BMEG30       Bacillus megaterium vector p3STOP1623hp    10 μg   19,360.00   4   RT

                         BMEG31       Bacillus megaterium vector pC-HIS1623hp      10 μg   20,420.00   4   RT

                         BMEG32       Bacillus megaterium vector pN-HIS-TEV1623hp    10 μg       20,420.00   4 RT

                         BMEG33       Bacillus megaterium vector pSP-LipA-hp 10 μg   21,260.00   4       RT

                         BMEG34       Bacillus megaterium vector pSP-YocH-hp 10 μg   21,260.00   4       RT

                         BMEG35       Bacillus megaterium vector p3STOP1623-2RBShp  10 μg       20,000.00   4 RT

                         BMEG36       Bacillus megaterium vector pC-STREP1623hp 10 μg   20,740.00   4   RT

                         BMEG37       Bacillus megaterium vector pN-STREP-Xa1623hp  10 μg       20,940.00   4 RT

                         BMEG38       Bacillus megaterium vector pN-STREP-TEV1623hp      10 μg       20,940.00   4 RT

                         BMEG10C     pGFP1522, GFP expression vector, positive control 10 μg   1,080.00       4 RT

                         BMEG39       Bacillus megaterium vector, pMGBm19, lyophilized DNA    10 μg       19,360.00   4 RT

                         BMEG40C     pGFP1624hp, high performance GFP expression vector, positive control       10 μg   9,680.00     4 RT

                         BMEG45       Bacillus megaterium vector pPconst1326  10 μg   11,260.00   4       RT

                         BMEGT710   Bacillus megaterium pPT7 cloning vector, lyophilized    10 μg       11,260.00   4 RT

                         BMEGT710C Bacillus megaterium pPT7-GFP control vector, lyophilized    10 μg       5,180.00     4 RT

                         BMEGT711   Bacillus megaterium pPT7-SPlipA secretion vector 10 ug       12,320.00   4 RT



                         货号       产品描述       规格       报价       储存       运输

                         BMEG02       Bacillus megaterium protoplasts, strain WH320      5x500 μl       7,580.00     80  DI

                         BMEG04       Bacillus megaterium protoplasts, strain YYBm1     5x500 μl       8,720.00     80  DI

                         BMEG50       Bacillus megaterium protoplasts, strain MS941       5x500 μl       8,440.00     80  DI



                         货号       产品描述       规格       报价       储存       运输

                         BMEGT701   Bacillus megaterium high yield T7 gene expression kit, includes pretransformed protoplasts BMEGT702 (5x500μl),pPT7 cloning vector and pPT7-GFP control vector (vectors lyophilized, 10 μg each)  Kit  20,780.00   80  DI

                         BMEGT702   Bacillus megaterium protoplasts, strain MS941, pretransformed with pT7-RNAP    5x500 μL    12,440.00   80  DI


    二、       枯草芽孢杆菌 non-SURE                             

           Bacillus subtilis non-SURE?: available to academic and commercial customer, commercial customers require a license from MoBiTec



                         货号       产品描述       规格       报价       储存       运输

                         PBS001  pHT01 vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA   10 μg   8,040.00     4 RT

                         PBS001C       pHT01-bgaB control vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA, available only in combination with regular vector 10 μg   3,100.00     4 RT

                         PBS002  pHT43 vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA   10 μg   8,040.00     4 RT

                         PBS002C       pHT43-amyQ control vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA, available only in combination with regular vector 10 μg   3,100.00     4 RT

                         PBS003  pHT08 vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA   10 μg   8,040.00     4 RT

                         PBS004  pHT09 vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA   10 μg   8,040.00     4 RT

                         PBS005  pHT10 vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA   10 μg   8,040.00     4 RT

                         PBS005C       pHT10-gfp+ control vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA, available only in combination with regular vector 10 μg   3,100.00     4 RT

                         PBS013  pHT253 (pHT-Pgrac100-His-Tag-MCS)     10 μg   9,620.00     4 RT

                         PBS014  pHT254 (pHT-Pgrac100-MCS-His-Tag)     10 μg   9,620.00     4 RT

                         PBS015  pHT255 (pHT-Pgrac100-MCS-STREP-Tag)      10 μg   9,620.00     4       RT



                         货号       产品描述       规格       报价       储存       运输

                         PBS020  Bacillus subtilis strain 1012wt    1 mL      8,460.00     80  DI

                         PBS021  Bacillus subtilis strain 168 Marburg   1 mL      6,360.00     80  DI

                         PBS022  Bacillus subtilis strain WB800N (for secretion vectors)  1 mL       11,140.00   80  DI

                         PBS026  Bacillus subtilis strain AS1  1 mL      9,300.00     80  DI



    三、       枯草芽孢杆菌 SURE                             

           Bacillus subtilis SURE?: available to academic customers only; commercial customer require to negotiate with the licenser NIZO (Netherlands)



                         货号       产品描述       规格       报价       储存       运输

                         PBS031  pNZ8901 vector, lyophilized DNA     10 μg   9,620.00     4 RT

                         PBS032  pNZ8902 vector, lyophilized DNA     10 μg   9,620.00     4 RT

                         PBS033  pNZ8910 vector, lyophilized DNA     10 μg   9,620.00     4 RT

                         PBS034  pNZ8911 vector, lyophilized DNA     10 μg   9,620.00     4 RT



                         货号       产品描述       规格       报价       储存       运输

                         PBS023  Bacillus subtilis strain NZ8963   1 ml       9,620.00     80  DI

                         PBS024  Bacillus subtilis strain NZ8900   1 ml       9,620.00     80  DI

                         PBS025  Bacillus subtilis strain NZ8901   1 ml       6,360.00     80  DI


    四、       乳酸乳球菌的载体和菌株                             

           Lactococcus lactis vectors and strains: available to academic customers only; commercial customer require to negotiate with the licenser NIZO (Netherlands)



                         货号       产品描述       规格       报价       储存       运输

                         VS-ELV00100-01  NICE? pNZ8008 Reference plasmid with gusA gene      10 μg       8,760.00     4 RT

                         VS-ELV00200-01  NICE? pNZ8148 Lactococcus lactis expression vector, NcoI site       10 μg   8,760.00     4 RT

                         VS-ELV00250-01  NICE? pNZ8150 Lactococcus lactis expression vector, ScaI site       10 μg   8,760.00     4 RT

                         VS-ELV00300-01  NICE? pNZ8149 Lactococcus lactis expression vector, food grade (lacF), NcoI site    10 μg   8,760.00     4 RT

                         VS-ELV00310-01  NICE? pNZ8151 Lactococcus lactis expression vector, food grade (lacF), Scal site     10 μg   8,760.00     4 RT

                         VS-ELV00400-01  NICE? pNZ8152 Lactococcus lactis expression vector, food grade (alr), Scal site 10 μg   8,760.00     4 RT

                         VS-ELV00500-01  NICE? pNZ9530 Lactococcus lactis nisRnisK vector, in Strain NZ9000  1 ml       5,340.00     80  DI

                         VS-ELV00600-01  NICE? pNZ8120 Lactococcus lactis secretion vector (SP PrtP/NaeI)       10 μg   11,120.00   4 RT

                         VS-ELV00650-01  NICE? pNZ8121 Lactococcus lactis secretion vector (SP PrtP/EcoRV)  10 μg   11,120.00   4 RT

                         VS-ELV00700-01  NICE? pNZ8122 Lactococcus lactis secretion vector (SP SlpA/NruI)       10 μg   11,120.00   4 RT

                         VS-ELV00750-01 NICE? pNZ8123 Lactococcus lactis secretion vector (SP Usp45/NaeI)       10 μg   11,120.00   4 RT

                         VS-ELV00800-01  NICE? pNZ8124 Lactococcus lactis secretion vector (SP Usp45/EcoRV)      10 μg   11,120.00   4 RT

                         VS-ELV01100       pNZ124 Lactococcus lactis cloning vector 10 μg   8,360.00     4   RT

                         VS-ELV01150       pNZ2105 Lactococcus lactis cloning vector, food grade  10 μg       8,760.00     4 RT

                         VS-ELV01200       pNZ2103 Lactococcus lactis const. vector, lacA      10 μg       8,560.00     4 RT

                         VS-ELV01250       pNZ7021 Lactococcus lactis const. vector, pepN     10 μg       8,560.00     4 RT

                         VS-ELV01300       pNZ2122 Lactococcus lactis const. vector, mcs X-H, food grade       10 μg   8,960.00     4 RT

                         VS-ELV01350       pNZ2123 Lactococcus lactis const. vector, mcs H-X, food grade       10 μg   8,960.00     4 RT

                         VS-ELV01400       pNZ2125 Lactococcus lactis const. vector, food grade, (alr)   10 μg     8,960.00     4 RT

                         VS-ELV01450       pNZ7025 Lactococcus lactis const. vector, pepN, food grade, (alr)       10 μg   8,960.00     4 RT



                         货号       产品描述       规格       报价       储存       运输

                         VS-ELS10710-01  MC1061 Chemically Competent Escherichia coli    5 x 100 μl       7,960.00     80  DI

                         VS-ELS01363       Lactococcus lactis expression strain MG1363   1 ml       5,340.00       80  DI

                         VS-ELS03000       Lactococcus lactis expression Strain NZ3000, food grade       1 ml       5,680.00     80  DI

                         VS-ELS03900-01  NICE? Lactococcus lactis expression Strain NZ3900, food grade, (lacF)     1 ml       5,340.00     80  DI

                         VS-ELS03910-01  NICE? Lactococcus lactis expression Strain NZ3910, food grade, (lacF)     1 ml       5,780.00     80  DI

                         VS-ELS09000-01  NICE? Lactococcus lactis expression Strain NZ9000      1 ml       5,340.00     80  DI

                         VS-ELS09100       NICE? Lactococcus lactis expression Strain NZ9100      1 ml       5,780.00     80  DI

                         VS-ELS09130-01  NICE? Lactococcus lactis expression Strain NZ9130, food grade, (alr) 1 ml       6,960.00     80  DI

                         VS-ELS10610-01  NICE? E. coli host Strain MC1061    1 ml       5,540.00     80   DI

                         VS-ELS01330-01  NICE? Lactococcus lactis expression Strain NZ1330, food grade, (alr) 1 ml       6,960.00     80  DI



                         货号       产品描述       规格       报价       储存       运输

                         VS-ELV00500-01  NICE? pNZ9530 Lactococcus lactis nisRnisK vector, in Strain NZ9000  1 ml       5,340.00     80  DI
















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